Widow’s Mite Ministry

The story of the widow’s mite in Mark 12:41-44 is one of Jesus’ teaching moments for His disciples. It tells of a widow giving what in today’s society is the equivalent of two pennies or her last meal while the rich were giving large sums of money. Jesus commends the widow for giving out of her poverty (or neediness) and contests the rich for giving out of their surplus. The lesson is not about the earthly value of each gift given but the heart of each giver and the hearts of God’s people then and now. God had instructed the Israelites to take care of widows, orphans, and foreigners (see Zechariah 7:10). At that time, widows were going without, yet this widow still had faith in God and the promises of the protection for the widow and gave with an open heart. This story is not only for the past but it is applicable today and we are still called to take care of the widows, orphans, foreigners, and anyone less fortunate. In light of this, we have our Widow’s Mite Shop to step in the gap and help the people in our community who are in need, so that we do not find ourselves like Israel with a heart problem.

  • Clothing: The Widow’s Mite Ministry provides clothing for families in need up to twice a year. This includes at least three outfits, new undergarments, and shoes per person. All clothing is handpicked by someone in the family from the Earthly Treasures sales floor except for undergarments which are kept separated only for Widow’s Mite guests.
  • Household Items: In addition to clothes we collect and hold household items to give out to people in need. These are kitchen items (pots, pans, knives, cutlery, dishes, small tabletop appliance, etc.), bathroom items (towels, bathmats, washcloths, etc.), bedroom items (curtains, linen sheets, pillows, blankets, comforters, etc.). Basically, all the items for a household to run. One of our Widow’s Mite Ministry volunteers will gather these items for each person from our WMM storage area.
  • Furniture and Appliances: This ministry is one that has grown over the past several years. Those who qualify may receive furniture and appliances once a year. We give away all furniture items including beds. Appliances include refrigerators, washers, dryers, and electric stoves and are given as needed depending on our inventory at the Earthly Treasures Thrift Store. All appliances are held for Widow’s Mite Ministry guests we do not sell them.
  • Medical Equipment: We have a program to assist people with medical equipment. If you have medical equipment such as wheelchairs, walkers, shower chairs, canes, crutches etc. that you are no longer in need of bring them to Earthly Treasures. We give them out to people in the community who need them. Some people come and just borrow them for a few weeks then bring them back and other people need the item long term. This program is one that is available for everyone. One just needs to go into the store and ask for the Widow’s Mite help desk attendant and let them know you are in need a piece of medical equipment.

Our goal through the Widow’s Mite Ministry is to provide opportunities for people to receive tangible necessities and an intangible eternal heart change through a relationship with Christ. All items given except for the medical equipment are approved through our ministry center’s application and each person hears the Good News of Jesus. Call 205-669-7858 to make an appointment.

How can you partner with us in this ministry?

Donate items to Earthly Treasures thrift store. These items either directly impact a family’s life or fund the impact in a family’s life. Donate financially to the Shelby Baptist Association or volunteer at the Widow’s Mite Ministry help desk. This volunteer helps our Widow’s Mite guests who need assistance. The Widow’s Mite Ministry help desk is the tangible hands and feet of Jesus at Earthly Treasures, so it is a great opportunity to love the community and share Jesus daily.


To volunteer for the Widow’s Mite Shop please fill out the form here.
Volunteer Form