School Supplies Ministry

School supplies are available for students in need. Teachers, administrators, SBA pastors, or SBA church staff members can request assistance on a student’s behalf, or parents can call the center and to make an appointment for assistance. We start taking applications for assistance for school supplies in July continue until school starts in August and even sometimes after school has begun. Just as with the shoes we assist with the Shelby County Foster children’s school supplies yearly.

Donation of new school supplies are always welcome. Some people like to shop the whole list for one child. Others like to pick one item and purchase a lot of that one thing that might be an item we struggle to get. Others don’t like to shop and prefer to donate money. Any way you choose to be a part of our School Supplies Ministry is greatly appreciated. Your tax deductible gifts are greatly appreciated.

For more information, contact us at 205-669-7858.