Ministry Training Day
It is that time of year again to gather and reset our minds on the mission to which we have been called. We want to refocus on our vision of partnering in ministry with the local church for the proclamation of the Gospel in the coming year. It is our desire to bring more people into His family through “Meeting Needs and Sharing the Truth” of God’s love.
With this in mind, I hope you will mark your calendars to attend our Ministry Training Day at the SBA Ministries Center (205 Walton Street) on Thursday, August 24. We will begin at 8:30 am and will conclude by 4:30pm. We will have a couple of general sessions for everyone and a breakout session for the different ministries. In addition to our time of training, we have planned intentional times of worship and prayer together. Continental breakfast and lunch will be provided.
Please make every effort to join us.
**Reservations a must for a meal – Registration will end Wednesday, August16, 2023.**
Click HERE to register